Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ The Secret Life of the Seine by Mort Rosenblum

The Secret Life of the Seine by Mort Rosenblum

The Secret Life of the Seine

The Secret Life of the Seine by Mort Rosenblum PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Mort Rosenblum, a celebrated foreign correspondent, invites us aboard his fifty-four-foot launch tied up in the center of Paris and introduces us to the characters who share his life along the river, ranging from eccentric movie stars and reclusive novelists to barge families just scraping by. He then hauls in the bow line for an unforgettable tour of the river itself from its source to its mouth. The Secret Life of the Seine is a love story between man and boat and the river that they live on, a discourse on the sensual beauty of France and the art of living well. In the tradition of A Year in Provence, Under the Tuscan Sun, and Paris to the Moon, here is what Garry Trudeau called "a moveable feast [with] a top speed of five knots—fast enough for fun, languid enough for dreaming. Take a trip you'll never take: This is what books are for."

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