Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ Frommer's London from $95 a Day by Donald Olson

Frommer's London from $95 a Day by Donald Olson

Frommer's  London from $95 a Day

Frommer's London from $95 a Day by Donald Olson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Frommer’s is the name you can trust for great travel bargains. Our acclaimed $-a-Day series is not for backpackers who want to rough it, but for travelers with taste, who’ve outgrown their student lifestyle and demand comfortable accommodations and good, authentic meals at a reasonable price. Each guide is loaded with detailed listings for mom-and-pop motels, B&Bs, comfortable guesthouses, good-value bistros, and ethnic restaurants. You’ll find a bargain-hunter’s shopping guide, affordable fun after dark, and complete sightseeing coverage, including the best things to do for free (or almost).

Our expert authors have already gone everywhere you might go--they’ve done the legwork for you, and they’re not afraid to tell it like it is, saving you time and money. Every Frommer’s $-a-Day Guide is up-to-date, with dozens of color maps and exact prices for every single expense, so you can accurately plan each day’s budget. Frommer’s knows that affordable travel doesn’t have to mean making sacrifices. It’s about having fun and getting a great deal!

London has become shockingly expensive, so you’ll rely on London from $85 a Day to help make your pounds and pence go further. This incredibly detailed guide offers candid reviews of hundreds of cozy, comfortable accommodations and affordable restaurants. It’s packed with money-saving tips on sightseeing, theater tickets, shopping, and more. Our complete sightseeing guide will show you cathedrals, spetacular gardens, literary landmarks, lovely walks through the countryside, and where to meet the locals in the most charming country pubs and tea houses.

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