Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Where Jesus Slept by Norma Lewis

Where Jesus Slept by Norma Lewis

Where Jesus Slept

Where Jesus Slept by Norma Lewis PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A new picture book about the Nativity of Jesus, with a lively cumulative story structure.

This is the bed where Jesus slept. This is the straw that lined the bed where Jesus slept. From here, the story builds with each spread, adding a new element and explaining the relationships among the participants in and witnesses to the first Christmas. From Jesus sleeping sweetly to the wise men bringing gifts, this charming book reminds readers of the joyous event we celebrate at Christmastime. Children will love the charming illustrations and the engaging repetition in this Nativity tale. Ages 4-7.

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