Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ The Beadery Boxes - 37 Beautiful Boxes for Trinkets or Gifts! (Suzanne McNeill Design Originals #3141) by Fagnant Mimi Huszer, McGuffee Julie, Kievlan Jean, Kievlan Laura

The Beadery Boxes - 37 Beautiful Boxes for Trinkets or Gifts! (Suzanne McNeill Design Originals #3141) by Fagnant Mimi Huszer, McGuffee Julie, Kievlan Jean, Kievlan Laura

The Beadery Boxes - 37 Beautiful Boxes for Trinkets or Gifts! (Suzanne McNeill Design Originals #3141)

The Beadery Boxes - 37 Beautiful Boxes for Trinkets or Gifts! (Suzanne McNeill Design Originals #3141) by Fagnant Mimi Huszer, McGuffee Julie, Kievlan Jean, Kievlan Laura PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

37 beautiful box projects for trinkets and gifts. Collect a variety of interesting memorabilia and scraps...silk flowers, beads, lace ribbon, paper scraps..then decorate the boxes. Projects crafts include: Decoupage: Dried Pansies, Girl Box, Painting: Love Birds or ABC Box, TrinKat Box, Crafting: Round Rose & Lace Box, Rose Petal Rose. Fruit, Roses & Ivy, Clay: Clay Rose and much more

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The Beadery Boxes - 37 Beautiful Boxes for Trinkets or Gifts! (Suzanne McNeill Design Originals #3141) by Fagnant Mimi Huszer, McGuffee Julie, Kievlan Jean, Kievlan Laura Doc

The Beadery Boxes - 37 Beautiful Boxes for Trinkets or Gifts! (Suzanne McNeill Design Originals #3141) by Fagnant Mimi Huszer, McGuffee Julie, Kievlan Jean, Kievlan Laura Mobipocket
The Beadery Boxes - 37 Beautiful Boxes for Trinkets or Gifts! (Suzanne McNeill Design Originals #3141) by Fagnant Mimi Huszer, McGuffee Julie, Kievlan Jean, Kievlan Laura EPub

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