The Best of the Realms (Forgotten Realms Anthology) by R.A. Salvatore
The Best of the Realms (Forgotten Realms Anthology) by R.A. Salvatore PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This anthology presents your favorite stories from a decade of Forgotten Realms anthologies--every one of them chosen by you. In addition, this anthology contains a brand new story by R. A. Salvatore.
"Rite of Blood" by Elaine Cunningham
"Elminster at the Magefair" by Ed Greenwood
"Darksword" by Troy Denning
"Blood Sport" by Christie Golden
"Six of Swords" by WIlliam W. Connors
"The Rose Window" by Monte Cook
"The First Moonwell" by Douglas Niles
"The Greatest Hero Who Ever Died" by J. Robert King
"Tertius and the Artifact" by Jeff Grubb
"Red Ambition" by Jean Rabe
"The Common Spell" by Kate Novak-Grubb
"Assassin's Shadow" by Jess Lebow
"And the Dark Tide Rises" by Keith Francis Strohm
"Empty Joys" by R.A. Salvatore
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