VICIdial® Manager Manual: version 2.13 by Matt Florell
VICIdial® Manager Manual: version 2.13 by Matt Florell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This is the official VICIdial® Contact Center Manager Manual. Proceeds from the sale of this book go to support the development of the free and open VICIdial project. This manual contains many tutorials that will show you step-by-step instructions for how to set up many functions within VICIdial. The manual also has descriptions of the thousands of settings that are available within the VICIdial Open-Source Contact Center software. Also included are complete descriptions of the VICIdial agent and non-agent APIs. TUTORIALS INCLUDED IN THE MANAGER MANUAL: - Initial Dialer Setup - Add a new SIP or IAX phone to the system - Add a new Carrier trunk to your system - Create a campaign, load leads, add a list, add users and start dialing - Change your outbound dialing campaign to use Predictive Dialing - Create an inbound-group, point a DID at it, and take calls - Set up a remote agent to be able to take calls from an Outbound Campaign or an Inbound group - Set up the Audio Store, upload an audio prompt and record a prompt over the phone - Set up your outbound campaign to do Answering Machine Detection(AMD) - Set up an auto-dial campaign to dial without any live agents and play a message - Set up a “press-1” type, or survey, outbound dialing campaign - Set up blended in/outbound calling with your inbound-enabled campaign - Add a VICIdial External-user Agent on their home phone - Add a DID and point it to go to a specific logged-in VICIdial Agent - Add a Call Menu(or IVR) to an Inbound DID and inbound group - Add a “If you know the extension - Add External Phone entry for your mobile phone then live monitor using the Real-time Report - Creating Custom Fields - Brief overview of Cepstral Text To Speech software integration - Configuring Phone Aliases - Configuring Email - Setting Up a Ring-all Ingroup & Phone - Implementing the agent_monitor.agi script for agent monitoringFrom reader reviews:
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